入會申請 Application for Membership
  • 法律專業協進會有限公司(“本會”)入會申請
  • Application for membership of the Legal Profession Advancement Association Limited (the "Association")
  • 申請人資料
  • Applicant information
姓名 Name
性別 Gender
  • 聯絡資料
  • Contact information
郵寄地址 Mailing address
電郵地址 Email address
手機號碼 Mobile phone No.
微信賬號(如有)Wechat ID(if any)
是否同意加入本會微信 / WhatsApp群組?Do you agree to join LPAA's WeChat / WhatsApp groups?
  • 法律相關工作
  • Legal professional involvement
職業情況 Professional situation
司法管轄區註冊地 Jurisdiction of admission (如適用 if applicable)
註冊年份/入學年份 Year of admission
請上傳名片/學生證副本(如有) Please upload name card/student card (if any)


(若選擇“其他”請填寫此項)法律相關工作經驗 (for "Others") Legal engagement
(若選擇“其他”請填寫此項)有關工作單位名稱 (for "Others") Name of set-up engaged with
  • 知悉及確認條款 Acknowledgement and confirmation
  • 本人茲確認已經仔細閱讀以下的內容,並且清楚明白本人填寫並提交本申請表後,即表示
  • 1. 聲明及確認所有在本申請表內提供的資料皆為真實及正確;
  • 2. 本人確認及知悉已閱讀載於本會網站www.hklpaa.com的個人資料(私隱)條例通知;
  • 3. 本人同意遵守本會會章及法進會不時制定的守則及規定;
  • 4. 本人知悉及確認本人的會籍申請及其類別均需獲得本會的批准;
  • 5. 本人同意收取本會發出的通知;
  • 6. 本人同意及授權本會可將本人於本會的會員身份於本會的刊物中提及;及
  • 7. 本人接受本會對上述條款的解釋有最終決定權。
  • I confirm that I have read the information provided in this form carefully and by summit this form, I
  • 1. declare and confirm that all information provided in this form are true and correct,
  • 2. confirm and acknowledge that I have read the Data Privacy Notice posted on the Association’s website at www.hklpaa.com,
  • 3. agree to abide by articles of association of and any rules and regulations promulgated from time to time,
  • 4. acknowledge and confirm that the approval of my application to become a member and its kind subject to the approval by the Association;
  • 5. agree to receive the information and notice from the Association;
  • 6. consent and agree that my membership status may be referred to in any information published by the Association, and
  • 7. agree that the interpretation of the terms set out herein by the Association shall be final.
  • 本會由每年一月一日起計的年費為港幣200元。實習律師、實習大律師及法律學生免費。
  • 2021年度的年費將獲豁免。
  • Annual membership fee for each calendar year counting 1 January to 31 December shall be HK$200 and free for trainee solicitors, pupils and law students.
  • The annual membership fee for 2021 will be waived.

Law DesignLegal Profession Advancement Association Limited
